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Donkey Kong


Set out to rescue friends

In Donkey Kong, you will transform into a Mario character and go to rescue your friends. Use automatic gates intelligently and flexibly to find your way out. Your ultimate objective is to confront and defeat the formidable ape, Kong, in order to successfully accomplish your mission and save your companions.

There are two levels for you

In Level 1, your primary objective is to rescue the character named Fludd, who is located adjacent to Donkey Kong on the top floor. Ascend using the available ladders, but exercise caution as some ladders may be broken and impassable. The menacing ape will consistently hurl gas cans in your direction, and if they make contact, you will lose a life. Furthermore, when these gas cylinders come into contact with oil, they transform into highly perilous sparks. Utilize the hammers provided to eliminate all potential threats and ensure your safety. Simply approach Fludd closely to save him, after which the two of you will continue to progress together into the next level.

Level 2 marks the final stage of this captivating game. To emerge victorious, you must devise a strategic plan to defeat the formidable boss monster. Direct confrontation is not an option, instead, you'll need to rely on your intelligence. Disassemble the connections on the floors, causing the ground beneath the monster to collapse. As a result, both the monster and its platform will be destroyed. Ultimately, your efforts will lead to the rescue of Pauline, a captivatingly beautiful girl, bringing the game to a triumphant conclusion.